Cognitive urban planning model for a prototype of collaborative housing access and urban planning




Collaborative Urban Planning, Housing, Software Prototype Design, Cognitive Cities


Considering the current housing situation, the weak participation in urban planning processes and the stagnation of the construction sector in Ecuador, the main objective of the Interuniversity Research Project “Cognitive Urban Planning” is the development of social web application that promotes collaborative urbanism within the framework of cognitive cities. This document seeks to establish the urban functional requirements (RFU) of the cognitive urban planning model (MPUC) for the development of a real-time collective work software prototype that allows access to housing and collaborative urbanism, as driving practices for a renewed urban planning in the Ecuadorian cities of Quito and Portoviejo. The research methodology is developed in five moments: i) Epistemological synthesis of the results of the systematic literature review (SLR); ii) review of a partial cognitive urban planning model; iii) conceptual design of the collaborative system for accessing to housing and urban planning (SCAVU); iv) collection and analysis of information in Quito and Portoviejo; and v) development of use cases for the definition of the RFU in the construction of the prototype. Potential users of the application provided the data during workshops with public institutions and unions, and through surveys conducted in community spaces in the two cities mentioned before. The RFUs that describe the functions for the software prototype assumed the findings of the analysis of the collected information. This evidenced that the proposed use cases, linked to the RFU, allowed the project’s cognitive architecture team to advance with the intelligent requirements of the MPUC, by elaborating the first prototype samples supported by cognitive algorithms design.

Author Biographies

Pedro Jiménez-Pacheco, Universidad de Cuenca

Arquitecto, Doctor en Teoría e Historia de la Arquitectura por la ETSAB de la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña. Profesor de Planificación Urbana en la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Cuenca. Miembro del Research Committee 21 on Urban and Regional Development. Su tesis se centró en la actualización y profundización de la teoría radical del espacio social y la crítica urbana de Henri Lefebvre aplicada en la ciudad global; sus áreas de investigación son la teoría urbana crítica y la economía política de la ciudad. Colabora con varias redes de investigación sobre el conflicto urbano y planificación urbana cognitiva urbana en España y Ecuador.

Diego Esteban Puente Garrido, URLO Studio

Economista y planificador del desarrollo urbano con experiencia internacional en Londres, Dar es Salaam, Jerusalén y Quito, además de otras ciudades. Ha realizado trabajos académicos y prácticos en el involucramiento de jóvenes y niños en la planificación urbana, participación ciudadana, movilidad, salud urbana, espacio público, manejo de residuos sólidos, planificación urbana en zonas de conflicto, justicia social y estrategia urbana. Diego estudió una Maestría en Planificación del Desarrollo Urbano en la Unidad de Planificación de Desarrollo de The Bartlett en la University College London. Desarrolló un interés en el campo de los estudios urbanos después de trabajar durante varios años en los sectores público y privado de Ecuador. Completó sus estudios de pregrado en Derecho, Economía y Gestión en la Universidad Pierre-Mendès-France de Grenoble y en Economía en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador en Quito.

Lorena Recalde, Escuela Politécnica Nacional

Doctora en Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones por la Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Docente–Investigador en el DICC en la Escuela Politécnica Nacional

Jaime Meza, Universidad Técnica de Manabí

PhD in project and systems engineering with a mention of international doctor and cum laude of excellence from the Poly1technic University of Catalonia, Spain, as well as a  master’s in business administration and computer engineering. Meza is a postdoctoral researcher affiliated with the University of Fribourg, Switzerland; a full professor at Technical University of Manabí, Ecuador; and a staff member of IEEE e-government STC. His research interests include collective intelligence, soft computing, recommender systems, and models of collaborative cognition as a way to improve public services and higher education. His research  projects seek the reduction of tax evasion/fraud, the improvement of tax collection using AI systems and advanced analytical techniques, and collaborative spatial urban planning supported by cognitive and recommendation systems. He has been a teacher for more than 10 years in multiple universities in Ecuador, as well as academic guest at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain and the University of Freiburg, Switzerland. In the professional field, he has held various management positions (e.g., project manager, chair, IT advisor, auditor) in companies and government institutions at the local and national levels.


