From necessity to project: the design of public space for water control and climate change mitigation




new urban ecologies, sustainable parking lots, urban tiles, active public space


Substituting natural areas for paved surfaces typical result of urbanization, not only increases the existing environmental problems in our cities. The severity of flooding, lack of groundwater recharging, erosion of natural water channels, increased temperatures and heat islands, the fragmentation of natural habitats, urban segregation, light pollution and increase of car use with the consequence of air pollution are merely some of the consequences to which this contributes.

Designing correctly the urban public spaces, their materials, permeability and different levels of vegetation, and following some good practice guidelines, would help to mitigate all these negative effects. A good example in this field, are the "water squares" developed in northern Europe, mainly in Rotterdam, a city that is strongly affected by its complex relationship with water. These squares, designed as multifunctional public spaces, have the task of capturing rainwater and becoming, in the case of heavy rains or floods, like detention basins that progressively filter the water to the subsoil, alleviating the problem of overflowing the sewer system. When there is no water, they remain empty and function as relational areas or playgrounds, highlighting the benefits of a dynamic design of the space that is not only projected for a single function, but is capable of transforming according to necessity. In another order of importance, maybe secondary in terms of quality as a public space but vital in terms of the amount of surface they occupy in our cities, parking lots can have a main role as well, as different projects and studies in the last decades have pointed out, to contribute to reverse the consequences of urbanization.

One of the main consequences of climate change are heavy rains. The canopy of trees can absorb about 11.1% of annual rainfall. As a result, this percentage varies focusing on the type of trees used, the time of year and the duration and intensity of rainfall; higher interception rates occur for broadleaf evergreens, warm summer storms, and short, light rain. Tall trees will help to reduce peak rainfalls, with the consequence of stopping and evaporating the water, mitigating light rains and minimizing heavy rains. Therefore, evergreens assist to mitigate surface and water heating.

In addition, a common practice in car parks and large paved surface areas, in general, is to evacuate the rainwater as quickly as possible through the drainage system by pouring that water into a nearby stream. What seems the logical use of these facilities results in a huge amount of water pouring from these canals when the rains are very strong, quickly eroding the stream bed, dragging the vegetation and existing debris of its banks, and leaving a wide rocky watercourse. It is much efficient to produce an on-site water detention system that is able to encourage a progressive evacuation of the water, avoid water runoff and promote a constant influx of water into aquifers. Parking areas also highly contribute to the heat island effect, which happens in asphalt surfaces that do not consider any vegetation, making these surfaces 20º to 40º warmer than a vegetated one, reaching a variation of 48.8 degrees to 17.2 º

The aim of this article is to highlight the vital importance that a correct design of our public realm can have on the adaptation of our cities to climate change and the mitigation of its effects. Acting on small areas of the urban surface with good practice bases, we can create larger networks that minimize the effects of an uncontrolled urbanization. We should imagine a new ecological network to which all public spaces contribute effectively to, considering these not as isolated actions but as a continuous system, achieving a considerable improvement of our urban environment and working to counteract the effects of climate change.

Through an inductive methodology, we will analyze different cases that in recent decades have worked on these issues in order to develop a new code of good practices.

Author Biographies

Marta Rabazo Martin, Università Roma Tre Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

MARTA RABAZO MARTIN, PhD, arquitecto por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, colabora desde el año 2008 con Balmori Associates, estudio de paisajismo afincado en New York ganador de numerosos premios y reconocimientos. Con Balmori Associates ha colaborado en proyectos como el parque La Campa de los Ingleses, la Plaza Euskadi y el Jardin que sube las escaleras en Bilbao (España), el Botanical Research Institute of Texas (USA), el Yale Engineering Research Building y el Farmington Canal Greenway en New Haven (USA) y Viol Coorporate Towers en Sao Paulo (Brasil).

Desde el año 2010 colabora con la Universidad Roma Tre, ciudad en la que reside, primero como ayudante en los cursos de arquitectura del paisaje junto al Prof. Francesco Ghio y posteriormente como coordinadora didáctica del master Open - Architettura e rappresentazione del paesaggio. 

Posee un master en Proyectos Arquitectónicos Avanzados, línea Arquitectura y Urbanismo del paisaje, por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, y el título de master Open – Architettura del paesaggio por la universidad de Roma Tre.

Francesca Paola Mondelli, Università degli Studi Roma Tre

Francesca Paola Mondelli es estudiante del Doctorado “Paesaggi della città contemporánea. Politiche, tecniche e studi visuali” en la Universidad Roma Tre. Graduada en arquitectura por la Universidad Roma Tre en 2016. Master en paisajismo en la Universidad Roma Tre “OPEN – Architettura e rappresentazione del paesaggio” en 2018. Dos veces ganadora de beca Erasmus+: en 2015/2016 en la ETSA de Granada, donde desarrolla su trabajo de fin de carrera con el Profesor Javier Gallego Roca; en 2018 en la ETSA de Valladolid, donde hace una estancia de investigación con el reconocido grupo de investigación LAB PAP dirigido por Darío Álvarez y Miguel Ángel de la Iglesia. Desde 2016 colabora activamente con la Universidad Roma Tre como tutor en el curso “La Struttura della Città” junto a la Prof. Maria Grazia Cianci y en el Master OPEN – Architettura e rappresentazione del paesaggio”. Desde 2016 publica artículos y asiste a congresos nacionales e internacionales como ponente entre los cuales destacan: “Reuso” Granada 2017, “Le vie dei Mercanti” Capri 2018, “Les espaces ouverts dans la fabrique métropolitaine” organizado por la École française de Rome 2018. Colabora a la realización del libro “Il Programma Centopiazze per Roma” a cargo de Maria Grazia Cianci. 


