The Relationship Between Infrastructure/Mobility and Urban Fabrics Produced by PMCMV Ventures in the Functional Metropolitan Area (AMF) of the Metropolitan Region of Natal-RN/Brazil
Metropolitan Functional Area (AMF), Minha Casa Minha Vida Programme (PMCMV), Mobility, Urban InfrastructureAbstract
The Región Metropolitana de Natal (RMN), as well as Brazil, has experienced in recent decades a growing increase in the urbanization process characterized by a discontinuous model of urban sprawl expansion and population concentration that resulted in significant alterations in the structures physical, social and economic of their cities. Consequently, there is a peripheral growth pattern, resulting from speculative behaviors that overlap the social function of urban land and reinforce its low occupational density, in addition to increasing distances, inefficiency of transport, rising social and private costs of urbanization and inefficiency of public administration in terms of urban sustainability. The process of creating a residential periphery is clearly consolidated by the predominance of low density and single-family housing in the RMN municipalities that distance themselves from their central city, presenting an urban dispersion; while, in the municipalities of the immediate environment - whose scale of analysis is the Intraurbana Metropolitan Region, which includes the municipalities of Natal, Parnamirim and São Gonçalo do Amarante, referred to in this research as Área Metropolitana Funcional (AMF). Note that the heterogeneity of urban tissues produced by the differentiation in the distribution of infrastructure items according to the data of the last census of Brazil conducted by the Instituto Brasilero de Geografia e Estatística – IBGE (2011) and the characteristics of the environment (paving, storm drain, sewage, cleaning and public lighting) reinforces the formation of an AMF marked by strong socio-spatial inequalities, fragmented with large areas of expansion and at the same time with concentration of housing typologies that constitute homogeneous areas of spots in the metropolitan territory that highlights the abrupt form of urbanization provided by residential real estate capital in the (re) configuration of the RMN.
Recently, in the AMF, preliminary data shows that the phenomena of relocation of industries and services, together with the demographic dynamics exposed, explain that there have been important changes in intermunicipal mobility in RMN, with the reduction of radial movements, the increase of a more transversal nature and the successive incorporation of the AMF of increasingly integrated territories to the central city, Natal. With all this ask: How the urbanization provided by the current residential real estate dynamics materializes in the (re) configuration of the RMN, as for the AMF? For this purpose, the objective of this research is to relate the urbanization promoted by the current residential real estate capital as a driver of urban growth in relation to the road infrastructure and the mobility of the AMF. Therefore, the methodology used was the concentration of the data generated by the relationship between the occupational process and the new urban tissues of the RMN through the production of thematic maps. The sources were collected in: the Town Halls and their respective environmental and urban licensing units of the cities involved, SEMTHAS / Natal, Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF), Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Meio Ambiente (IDEMA), Secretaria de Meio Ambiente e Urbanismo de Natal (SEMURB), IBGE (2011), Sistema Eletrônico de Serviço de Informação ao Cidadão (e-SIC) regarding the contracts made by the CEF via PMCMV, between 2009 and 2014 and data from the Observatório de Metrópoles. The methodology was complemented even with aerial photogrammetry through which local production could be observed, especially the urban insertion of PMCMV ventures and urban tissues produced through market strategies and the choice of location. As a result, it was possible to observe that lately the real estate valuation processes are defining the distances and inequalities between the different spaces. Urban polytique carried out in the RMN, especially in the cities of Natal, Parnamirim and São Gonçalo do Amarante, promotes urban development that stimulates urban fragmentation and social and spatial inequality, where real estate capital is the main agent of development, producing and guiding demand, isolated from real needs and turning the form of occupation into a mismatch in terms of sustainability and effective mobility.