SPILLOVER EFFECTS OF MINER CULTURAL LANDSCAPES Cultural transformation of Zollverein Mines in Essen, Ruhr





Cultural Landscape, Industrial Heritage, Cultural Industries, Ecological Restoration


Industrial regions go through transformations when their main activity becomes obsolete. Facing the decline, cities like Essen in the Ruhr region, see the opportunity for sustainable development in the regeneration of their key industrial spaces such as the Zollverein coal mine. This article studies the way the city on the one hand and the factory on the other, shift their main activity from heavy industry to cultural industry, with an emphasis on environmental regeneration. Finally, both paths are compared, which actually flow in parallel, in an ambitious succession of transformations that culminate in major events such as IBA Emscher Park, the European Cultural Capital or the European Green Capital, as well as important recognitions such as World Heritage for the UNESCO. Therefore, the effectiveness of the interventions is proven, at least, for now.

Author Biography

Kyra Romero Branchadell, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB) Universidad Politécnica de Barcelona (UPC)

Arquitecta por la UPV, Urbanista por la UPC


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