The Jordan River as the spatial axis of the city of Tunja

The university walkway.


  • Maria Elena Arteaga Profesional



Studies have shown that in urban areas, rivers are axes of connection to the territory as a potential for sustainable development. Currently, when growth is fragmented and without a defined structure, the urban design of cities does not adequately link the ecosystemic processes between rivers and their built environment. This article proposes, from a design perspective, three urban design proposals for the Jordan River. The river is located northeast of Tunja, Colombia. The proposals are evaluated as river scenarios, and through qualitative and quantitative characteristics, a final proposal is given hierarchy to the river in relation to the context, taking into account the compactness indexes. It is concluded that the best proposal has an average absolute compactness of 1.4 and an average corrected compactness of 6, showing the importance of increasing height and built area in areas close to the river.


