Prácticas del paisajismo francés: la construcción del proyecto del paisaje en el plan turístico Maspalomas Costa Canaria, 1961


  • Iván Álvarez León



The Maspalomas Costa Canaria master plan designed in 1961 represented the beginning of a new urban practice in the European tourism planning based on the landscape as principle of urban design. Over the 60s were developed the most important urban and rural landscape operations in the metropolitan área of Paris. The grand ensembles based on housing plans were promoted by the state urban policy in order to close the existing housing deficit in the dense cities of France. During 60s a new framework in the landscape operations and the solutions used to develop the grand ensembles were the keys to design the Maspalomas Costa Canaria master plan as one of the firsts advanced tourism plans in Europe. The main goal of this research pretends to highlight a strong correlation among the Maspalomas master plan, the AS atelier (architects of master plan) and the French landscape vision.



