PhD: Grasping Knowledge Through Design Speculation


  • Pau Bajet School of Architecture, Art and Design at London Metropolitan University; Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB-UPC).



PhD by design, knowledge through design, design as research, speculative learning, prospective research


This communication aims to bring to the foreground something academic discussion can’t ignore: rather than emulating other disciplines, why can’t architects rely on a methodological approach to doctoral practice that makes its own praxis central to its research? Why can’t the enduring making of design speculation be embedded as pivotal to critical and prospective qualitative enquiry? My questions allude to the necessity of transdisciplinary approaches to architectural doctorates—concerned with relevance above verification, subtly tacit as well as explicit forms of knowledge. I advocate a methodological path that attempts to build a bridge between architectural theory and practice—disconnected, I argue, by conventional modes in academia. This communication delineates context and precedence in this field of research, before using the close experience of a PhD case study, to present research through designing as a projective journey valuable in grasping ambiguous yet fundamental aspects of architectural knowledge.

Author Biography

Pau Bajet, School of Architecture, Art and Design at London Metropolitan University; Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB-UPC).

Architect. Teaching Fellow of Architectural Design at ETSAB-UPC and of Social Logics Workshop at MIAD, ETSALS-URL. PhD candidate at London Metropolitan University, awarded with ‘La Caixa’ Fellowship (2015). Former Visiting Lecturer at the Birmingham BCU. After working for David Chipperfield Architects in London, Bajet co-founded the architectural studio Bajet Giramé in 2017, whose work has been awarded with the Young Architects AJAC Award (2018 and 2020) and the Gold Award Best Architects (2017).


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