Zoé enters the house. Biology in architectural training





The knowledge in the formative stage for the later architectural practice is rigorously updated due to the preparation and self-demanding of the teaching staff but, structurally, a radical change of approach occurs with difficulty in the renewal of the curricula. A disciplinary logic far removed from the current problems conservatively focuses on teaching and, by extension, on the profession and, beyond that, on the very definition of Architecture. During this 21st century, social, economic and environmental challenges have not managed to promote substantial changes in the idea of what an architect should be for their societies. The current pandemic crisis is leading to the extension of the training of architects with knowledge of biology. Since 2010, the Master in Sustainable City and Architecture at the ETS Architecture in Seville has been teaching its students to design with living matter and to evaluate its consequences, in a transdisciplinary experience that aims to be a pioneer as a model for future curricular updates, including in Bachelor's degrees.

Author Biographies

Carlos Tapia Martin, University of Seville

PhD. architect and Professor (tenured full time civil servant) at Department of History, Theory and Architectural Composition in the Higher Technical School of Architecture in Seville, Spain. Invited professor at Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade de São Paulo. Vice-director of the Master in Sustainable city and Architecture (U. Seville) and member of the doctorate programme (U. Seville). He is an investigator of the Network of Sociospatial Studies RESE (University of Antioquia, Colombia) and of the Institute of Architecture and Building Science (IUACC) at University of Seville. In addition, he is a researcher of the group OUT_Arquias, investigation in the limits of the architecture. He investigates the 'symptoms of contemporaneity', and in this moment, he develops two related investigations: 'Critique and Epistemology of Future City’s Dream' and 'Space and Negativity'.

Carlos Medina Morillas, University of Seville

Graduated in the University of Seville in 1998, he developed his doctoral career between years 1998 and 2004 in the Department of Microbiology of the same University. His thesis focused on the study of the Rhizobium-legume symbiosis and during these years, he participated in numerous research projects in collaboration with distinct universities of Europe and China.

In 2006, he joined the Andalusian Center for Developmental Biology (CABD-CSIC) at the Pablo de Olavide University. During his stay, he specialized in the development and implementation of bacterial protein expression systems, in Salmonella typhimurium on its relationship with higher organisms. Through this research line, he established contact with a prestigious group of the University of Cambridge where he had a postdoctoral stay. He has participated in projects whose purpose was the study and isolation of environmental microorganisms to identify and clone enzymatic activities of interest.From October 2017, he held the position of Assistant Professor of the Department of Microbiology at the University of Seville, and joined the group PAIDI AGR162 “Unit for the production and evolution of inocula for grain legumes”.He has published numerous articles in indexed international journals and participated as editor of an international dissemination book as well as contributed to various specialized congresses.In addition to his research work, he taught pre and postgraduate courses at the Pablo de Olavide University from 2008 to 2017 and at the University of Seville from 2017 to the present.


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