Drawing the Design: techniques of artistic expression applied to industrial design





artistic expression, artistic expression techniques, drawing, industrial design, learning by doing


Being polyvalent, adapting to changes in society and technology, and moving fluently between the analogue and the digital is the reality faced by professionals in the architecture, engineering and industrial design sectors, as well as by the professors and students in the classrooms of these disciplines. In order to reflect on drawing and representation techniques, we took as a starting point the subject of Applied Artistic Expression Techniques, the first four-month period of a second year of a School of Industrial Design Engineering, where we deepened the importance of freehand drawing, combining this classic technique with its digital application. As a result, we observed the relevance of the sketch as a fundamental tool for the design and the project, observing a progression in the graphic representation capacity of the students, who enjoy these sessions, transferring this hobby to their free time.

Author Biographies

Cristina Prado Acebo, Universidade da Coruña

Engineer on Industrial Design and Product Development, Master in Teaching, PhD in Architecture. Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, Engineering Projects Area, at the University School of Industrial Design, University of A Coruña. Member of the Group of Educative Innovation in History of Architecture (UDC). Her major research interests lie in the areas of product and space design, and more specifically on learning scenarios.

Antonio Santiago Río Vázquez, Universidade da Courña

Architect, Master in Urban Planning and PhD in Architecture. Professor in the Department of Architectural Design, Urbanism and Composition, University of A Coruña. Visiting Professor at Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Universidade do Minho and Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza. Member of UEDXX Urbanism of European Dictatorships during the XXth Century Scientific Network. Member of the Research Group on History of Architecture (UDC).


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