Diary of an architect: forms for disidence at the University of Alicante


  • Verónica Francés
  • Enrique José Nieto Fernández
  • José Maria Torres Nadal




Since its appearance, the Final Career Project (FCP) has become a key document in the articulation between schools, students and the architecture in its condition of matter of concern. The University of Alicante has worked on the definition of a FDP that progressively abandons its peacekeeping role just to assume the critical and creative potential that imposes the false condition of iterface between university and professional time. In this way appears the idea of an Early Career Project (ECP). This transformation involves risky methodologies and evaluation systems. It also requires the design of debates about the boundaries of the university or the student's role in their learning process. It is presented as a case study the PFC of Veronica Francés, entitled Diary of a Woman Architect qualified with Honors in September 2013.


