Discovering and transforming a near area: a tree and a refuge


  • Jose Maria Toldrà Domingo
  • Jaume Farreny Morancho
  • Daniel Lorenzo Almeida
  • Francisco Cifuentes Utrero
  • Roger Miralles Jori



We are introducing our experience in the first year of the Reus School of Architecture at the Rovira i Virgili University. During the academic program the students are introduced to architectural design and projects through an exercise where they have to register graphically the reality, propose a transformation and materialize it. The course organization requires the students to be gradually in touch with a 1:1 scale: starting the work within one plot part of a more general area (the gardens of the Faculty of Economics), to study in detail a tree object of their proposal, to finally reach the refuge they have to design and build. The abstraction of this reality should be transferred to paper on a smaller scale, assimilating architectural representation techniques and, at the same time, articulating a personal graphic language, reflection of their looking and working interests.


