Regarding the documentary “Emotional Architecture”: Preparing a critical article


  • María Pura Moreno Moreno Universidad Rey Juan Carlos



architecture, criticism, theory, research, article


This communication deals with the methodology, elaboration and results of a first immersion in architectural research and criticism by students of the fourth year of the Degree in Architecture: an opportunity to explore bibliographic and archival tools, and in parallel an exercise of critical essay that It will serve for the preparation of their future TFGs. The documentary "Emotional Architecture, 1959" by Elías León Siminiani was the perfect excuse to conceive the statement of this teaching experience that mobilized skills such as: the exercise of criticism, knowledge of theories of form, composition and composition. typology, or of the disciplines that condition the analyzed architecture itself, such as sociology, politics, economics or technology. The conflict between information obtained and reflective knowledge valued in the group writing of a text in scientific article format will frame some conclusions that justify the experiment.


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