The construction of Cañada Real Social Center as instrument for training and integration


  • Paz Núñez-Martí universidad de alcalá. Madrid
  • Roberto Goycoolea-Prado Escuela de Arquitectura. Universidad de Alcalá. Madrid



The paper outlines the innovative use of the construction process of a public social equipment as a training tool on issues related to the social production of habitat. The equipment is the center for social and community of Cañada, built by Recipes Urban Areas and promoted by the Commissioner for the Cañada Real Galiana of Madrid City Council. During the construction process (October 2018 – June 2019) various academic activities were scheduled with architectural students of the University of Alcalá following the objectives of Learning-Service (ApS). An experience that we find noteworthy three aspects: Positive linkage between a public university with social, technical and political actors; Development of an ApS initiative with formative and social ends; Dynamization and social education generated in the field of architecture in collectives unrelated to discipline.

Author Biographies

Paz Núñez-Martí, universidad de alcalá. Madrid

Escuela de Arquitectura. Area de construcciones Arquitectónicas. UAH

Doctora Arquitecta


Roberto Goycoolea-Prado, Escuela de Arquitectura. Universidad de Alcalá. Madrid

Doctor Arquitecto. Profesor titular del área de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. Departamento de Arquitectura. Escuela de Arquitectura. Universidad de Alcalá. Madrid.


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