Animation techniques for understanding and storytelling of construction assembly processes


  • María Eugenia Maciá Torregrosa Universidad San Pablo CEU



architectural constructions, assembly processes, animation techniques, gamification, teaching innovation


The inclusion of ICT in university teaching in the Degree in Architecture as well as the huge amount of information from various fields that students handle can divert the focus of attention from the general and basic skills that an architect must have in terms of the construction of a building. Through this article, it is proposed to show
the use of a simple and free animation tool that helps to generate the assembly of architectural projects and a better understanding of all the variables associated with
these construction assembly processes. In this way, it is possible to combine all the disciplines in one thanks to a "virtual execution of a work" that will anticipate the
proper use of more complex collaborative tools, will facilitate the acquisition of important skills for professional life and will avoid failures in the development or
errors in execution.

Author Biography

María Eugenia Maciá Torregrosa, Universidad San Pablo CEU

PhD in Architecture (UPM 2011). Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture Design, area of Building Systems, within the Institute of Technology of Universidad CEU San Pablo. Teaching experience in Building Technologies and Final Thesis Project. Member of the PhD Program “Composition, History and Techniques pertaining to Architecture and Urbanism” of the CEU International Doctoral School (CEINDO). Co-founder of Camacho-Maciá Architects office (Registered Architect since 2000. Official Architects’ Association of Madrid).


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