Development of the Learning and Service Program in various subjects of the degree of architecture




service-learning, heritage, project-based learning, society, projects


The learning and service program allows the approach of university teaching in architecture to society. The methodology offers a formative experience where the student develops their social skills and evaluates the social utility of their work, improving their ability to assume responsibilities. At the Reus School of Architecture, the program has been applied in the subjects of Construction IV, Pathologies and rehabilitation, Architectural heritage. Analysis and interventions and finally, the Final Degree Project. The work method will involve the understanding of the teaching plans of each subject for the inclusion of the Learning and Service projects, the understanding of each of the associations that collaborate each project, the explanation of the development of the learning program and service, and final individual and collective conclusions.

Author Biographies

Sergio Coll Pla, Escola d'Arquitectura de Reus. Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Personal Docente Investigador de la Escuela de Arquitectura de Reus.

Agustí Costa Jover, Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Personal docente investigador Serra Hunter de la Unidad Pre-departamental de Arquitectura de la Universidad Rovira i Virgili.


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