Inhabiting 3.0: a strategy to (re)think architecture
Gamification, Autonomous learning, Enjoyment, Social transformation, Domestic spaceAbstract
What are the new game rules that the pandemic leaves us as learning to create healthy habitats with sensitive and participatory spaces? What is the role of architecture in this post-pandemic scenario? What are the challenges to redirect learning in architecture schools? The Architectural and Urban Design Workshop III of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Arts (FADA) of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE) enters the debate and provides some ideas for discussion through two experiences of gamification as a didactic method posing design challenges of the domestic space in this context. Three conditions mark the beginning of the game: introduce alternative active methods for meaningful learning, encourage critical reflection on architecture in the post-pandemic context, and enhance virtual environments for remote learning that were used in confinement.
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