



Space, material, actions, art, abstract


The pedagogical program of the first architecture workshop arises from an interdisciplinary approach focused on the "3c's" of educational innovation: creativity, curiosity and critical thinking. Where the main objective is to develop the initial skills and knowledge of the students through the exchange of theoretical and critical experiences that manage to empower them, generate a more organic assimilation of the contents, and whose autonomous work decants into direct manipulations on the matter. Uniting, digging, folding, tying, moving, shaping, walking, warping, are almost primitive actions used as projection resources that are juxtaposed with references from art, architecture and crafts, both contemporary and cultural acestral. Where mud-stone, cotton-wool, metal-wood, glass-plastic would complete the action-matter binomial, resulting in projects with stimulating abstract design processes and construction systems with real materials in scale models.

Author Biographies

Agustin Gamarra Sampén, Universidad de Alcalá (España)/Universidad San Martín de Porres - Filial Norte (Perú)

Agustin Gamarra Sampén. Architect by the Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo Catholic University (Chiclayo, 2015). Doctoral student in Architecture, and Master in Advanced Project of Architecture and City, with a specialty in Architecture and Environment, by the University of Alcalá (Madrid, 2020), where he obtains honors for the research "Yuyanapaq. Psychogeographies of the armed conflict in the Peru". Founding partner of Arquitectura Abierta (2015). He is currently a professor at the San Martín de Porres University-Chiclayo and the Technological University of Peru.

José Luis Perleche Amaya, Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo

José Luis Perleche Amaya is an architect from the Pedro Ruiz Gallo University of Lambayeque in 2006, a Master's in Architecture and Sustainable City (2014) from the University of Seville (Spain). His undergraduate thesis was selected as a finalist in the national undergraduate thesis contest organized by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru (2009). He is a founding partner of the architecture studio Angas Kipa and a professor at the School of Architecture of the Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo Catholic University.


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