Architecture and engineering: a parallel vision of architectural work




structural truth, comparative architecture, architectural discourse, engineering, architectural communication


The contribution of engineering was fundamental in the evolution of the modern form. Many of the advances introduced by the masters of the modern movement were accompanied by technical improvements that made it possible to build the new conceptions of space. The narrative of history often ignores this relationship and focuses on the figure of the architect. The work is shown as an inevitable consequence of its circumstances without references to technological advances. The dynamics of comparative architecture are used to present two parallel views of the same architectural object, in the same way that two buildings are placed in parallel to appreciate different ways of approaching them. The vision of architecture and engineering can show the different variables considered when approaching a building. The aim is to broaden the field of vision of design processes and to show that the comparative view is effective as a design tool.

Author Biography

David García-Asenjo Llana, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Profesor Asociado en el grado de Fundamentos de la Arquitectura de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid


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