"Back to rural living”

reuse of buildings in the rural environment of Aragón


  • Belén Gómez Navarro UNIVERSIDAD SAN JORGE




comfort, reuse, constructive analysis, architecture, rural living


Based on a proposal made by the Architecture and Rehabilitation Service of the Department of Vertebration of the Territory, Mobility and Housing of the Government of Aragon and in collaboration with the City Council of Sierra de Luna (Zaragoza), the San Jorge University was asked the possibility to carrying out a study that would serve as a debate and reflection through the analysis of the physical and constructive state of some buildings in the nucleus and the possibilities of reusing its buildings. All this has been carried out by a group of students of the subjects of Constructionof the second, third and fourth courses (all four-monthly). The study has been developed as a Vertical Workshop, with several visits to the nucleus. Through the analysis of factory injuries, the current regulations, and the conversations held with the owners of the three selected buildings, a series of questions are raised to be taken into account in a future intervention and some possible proposals open to new debates.


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