A learning master's degree experience based on a project at the service of the community


  • Joan Lluis Zamora Mestre Construccions Arquitectòniques I (ETSAV) - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
  • Raül Serra Fabregà Dr. Arquitecto, Profesor Asociado, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.




master’s degree, service learning, collaboratibe learnig, virtual classroom, project-based learning


This learning experience was developed on a spring semester course during the academic year 2020-21, in the framework of an architectural master’s programme, and was propitiated by the competition of various opportunities that have facilitated the triggering of a learning process that has simultaneously incorporated aspects of SL (service learning), VC (virtual classroom), CL (collaborative learning) and PBL (project-based learning). The focus of the experience was to redesign the hall of an academic institution and therefore started from the premise of recreating an identity and exhibition space in an educational building. The experience does not arise from a conscious reflective process, but rather the result of a timely demand that allowed linking innovative teaching aspects that had been shot previously. This experience has been developed in a very limited temporal and spatial context, propitiated by COVID19, but it has potentially scalable aspects to be repeated in other less exceptional circumstances.

Author Biography

Raül Serra Fabregà, Dr. Arquitecto, Profesor Asociado, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

Doctor of Architecture, Associate Professor of the Department of Architectural Technology since
in 2017, currently dedicated to the subject of Technology of architectural interior spaces,
His research focuses on the field of architecture, his teaching, technology
construction and the physical support of urban planning, especially in the field of industrial estates
economics, as a member of the research group Innovation and Technology Laboratory in
Architecture (LiTA) at the UPC


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