Play architecture


  • Francesc Daumal Domènech UPC



play the architecture, materials, construction systems, soundscape, experimental methodology


The sounds of our hands and feet on objects, materials and architecture itself, allow us a high knowledge of them if we have the precise sound education. For this reason, this workshop of touching architecture is proposed, where each participant must learn how to generate sounds, how to listen carefully, and how to interpret the results, concluding on the composition of the analyzed materials themselves, their isostatic or hypostatic union structures, the existing constructive pathologies (if applied to experts), etc. In short, applying something as old as “touching” and thereby observing how the different structures, pavements and cladding of architecture sound and resonate when touched, pinched or percussed.

Author Biography

Francesc Daumal Domènech, UPC

Dr. Arq. Catedrático Emérito ETSAB (UPC-BarcelonaTech)


AUGOYARD, Jean François y TORGUE, Henri. (2006). Sonic Experience: A Guide to Everyday Sounds, Paperback.

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DAUMAL, Francesc. (2020a). Paisajes sonoros del Maestro Roncador, Colección: Temas de acústica, núm. 6, Sociedad Española de Acústica, Madrid, febrero 2020, ISBN: 978-84-87985-32-4. <[showUid]=9095&cHash=31c9387e9597ee6166d93b4a9261fbf8>

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DAUMAL, F. y Del Rio, S. (2021b). Do we knock on the door of our great-grandparents like our grandparents, parents, children or grandchildren? The Barcelona case. KNOCK, TAP, RAP, Round table knocking, Mainz.

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