Collaborative Intelligence and Extended Reality:
new display strategies
hybrid teaching, cluster, collaborative intelligence, extended reality, creative thinkingAbstract
From the experience gained since the beginning of the pandemic, we can affirm that not everything can be taught online or everything in person. Now, there is a gap that it is important to identify in a teaching that articulates the fase-to-face-online and to know the optimal dosaje to guarantee quality training. Everything indicates that both systems should converse in a hybrid methodology, or, better said, balanced or harmonized. The challenge is to define the proportion of each thing, both in time and intensity. It seems that, in the conquest of this necessary balance or harmony, “collaborative intelligence” offers unsuspected rules of the game. Increasingly we can find this questioning in various institutions around the world and not only referred to the field of architecture education but in all those áreas in which, in the transition from knowing to doing, they seek new meanings.
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