Collage as a means of graphic-plastic expression in the face of creative blockages




collage, creative block, graphic expression, expressive resource, creativity


How does creativity arise, and are there keys, rules, mechanisms to keep it in check so that it never fails? Often, when human beings face the challenge of creating something from scratch to solve a problem, doubts arise. These insecurities are the result of our creative capacity, but where does our creativity come fromThere is no shortage of research on how insecurities affect creativity. In order to evolve and update the pedagogy of teaching, collage is introduced into the students' learning process to explore the limits of creativity.  This plastic technique was chosen in the search for a medium that would help them to express themselves beyond the exact handling of the technique. The superimposition of concept on technique.

Author Biographies

Gracia Cabezas-García, Universidad de Sevilla

Researcher in Formation. Department of Architectural Graphic Expression. Higher Technical School of Architecture of Seville.

Andrés Galera-Rodríguez, Universidad de Sevilla

Researcher in Formation. Department of Architectural Graphic Expression. Higher Technical School of Architecture of Seville.


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