Resignifying invisible

invisibilised urban spaces through Service Learning Projects




spatial analysis, invisible cities, urban re-signification, tourism challenges, academic structures


The touristization of Lagos, Portugal, has brought the well-known processes of economic transformation, gentrification, loss of local population and abandonment of touristically "invisible" areas. In collaboration with the City Council, the CCDR and SAAL of Algarve, we developed a research project to try to reverse this situation. Part of the project was undertaken through Learning and Service activities aimed at identifying and analyzing these morphological and socially invisible areas to develop proposals for their redefinition and integration. The work was carried out in the courses Architecture In Situ and Project Laboratory VI of the Integrated Master in Architecture, University of Lisbon. Two Spanish professors collaborated in the experience by introducing intangible indicators in the analysis: perceptual, social, gender. The most interesting projects were developed as TFM. The results presented to the local authorities will serve, as a consultancy, to implement plans for the re-signification of the now invisible places.

Author Biography

Paz Nuñez-Marti, universidad de alcalá. Madrid

Escuela de Arquitectura. Area de construcciones Arquitectónicas. UAH

Doctora Arquitecta



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