Well-being around parks

multidisciplinary topics between architecture and medicine


  • Teresita Bustamante Bustamante Academico
  • Marcelo Reyes Busch
  • Ignacio Saavedra Valenzuela




healthy architecture, sustainable living, inhabit well-being, collaborative learning, national parks


Despite the evidence of the impact that nature has on people's health, a sectoral view continues to prevail in the design of public policies. Part of this resistance is explained by the sectoral environment in the professional training space. This article reports a collaborative learning experience in a multidisciplinary context, in which architecture and medicine students address the common challenge of contributing to the orientation of public policies that integrate the planning of infrastructure for the use and accessibility of parks and natural areas with the planning and management of public health. The results of the experience are positive, both in the sense of the recommendations for the integrated planning of the specific territory and for training the capacity of future professionals to perform in complex and diverse environments.


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