Mapping as a visual thinking tool for design project decision


  • Maritza Carolina Fonseca Alvarado Universidad San Sebastián
  • Drago Vodanovic Undurraga universidad san sebastian
  • Gonzalo Gutierrez Astete universidad san sebastian



mapping, visual thinking, co-construction of knowledge, critical thinking, relationship between architecture, city, territory, and landscape


From a reflection on the importance of visual thinking (VP) and critical observation in the architect’s education, this paper investigates mapping as a mechanism of graphic facilitation that allows an approach to the architectural context with a look filtered by the previous inquiry and guided in two main stages. A divergent stage, in which different elements of the context are explored and a convergent stage, in which critical observations are focused to generate a project purpose. The mapping experience developed in the Project Workshop, its foundations, methodology and results over several years of implementation are described. The methodology is based on seven criteria: Study, Contextualization, Verification, Co-construction, Concretion, Planning and Proposal, seeks to enhance the PV as a fundamental tool of the architect and shows how to generate elements of collective work that integrate diverse views on the living environment.

Author Biographies

Maritza Carolina Fonseca Alvarado, Universidad San Sebastián

Arquitecta de la Universidad de Los Andes de Venezuela  (ULA), Master en Construcción en Madera de la Universidad del Bio Bio en Chile y estudiante de Doctorado en Desarrollo Sostenible. Fue académica del departamento de Tecnología para la construcción en la Universidad de Los Andes-Venezuela, desempeñándose como docente en las carreras de Diseño Industrial y Arquitectura, con especial dedicación al área de Taller de Diseño y Tecnología para la construcción. Es miembro del Centro de investigación sobre Espacios Público (ULA). Actualmente es académico de la Universidad San Sebastián en Chile en donde se desempeñó como Coordinador Académico y actualmente es Directora de la Carrera de Arquitectura en la Sede de La Patagonia. En miembro del equipo editorial de la Revista Territorio Arquitectura, miembro del equipo académico del Programa Territorial Hito Más Parques desarrollando tareas de investigación y dirección de proyectos.

Drago Vodanovic Undurraga, universidad san sebastian

Architect from the University of Chile and Master in Architecture (DRL) from the Architectural Association of London. In England he worked for the POPULUS global architecture office on different sports projects, both in Europe and the Middle East. In Chile, he has worked as an independent architect. He has taught at the AA Electronic Media Lab of the Architectural Association and at the MArch of the School of Design at the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Chile and the San Sebastian University. He is currently the national director of the architecture school of the Universidad San Sebastián.

Gonzalo Gutierrez Astete, universidad san sebastian

Architect from the University of Bio Bio. Master in Sustainability and Energy Efficiency from the Universidad del Bio BIo. He worked in the office of the architect Francisco Morandé R-T, in charge of the architecture and landscaping of the Pumalín park. Since 2010 he founded his Integral Architecture office where he develops architecture and sustainable construction projects. He is currently Academic Secretary of the architecture career at the San Sebatian University - Puerto Montt .


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