mutations in the design process
collaborative teaching, collective thinking, virtuality, hypertext, inputsAbstract
The year 2020 was marked by virtuality, a situation derived from the pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus. This situation brought with it an infinity of structural problems in terms of the digital and spatial divide. From the shared experience, it was sought to achieve a dynamic collaborative activity where the differences and cultural coincidences of two academic units from two continents (Europe and South America) were able to achieve a synergy that would enhance critical thinking. During this linking experience, the question arose if information technology produces mutations in the Design Process. This new paradigm has had implications not only in the practice of architecture, but also in its teaching. In this way, mixed work cells were created, presenting a unique architectural project. The interchangeable corrections were closed with qualifications through the disappearance of limits and borders, and the combination in a single teaching entity.
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