Pre-university workshops: Itineraries, Sketchbooks, Maps with Kids




pre-university education, experimental pedagogy, architecture with children, drawing, field work


The three epochs of education are originated by several forerunners of changes in education in different periods: From Mary Wollstonecraft to Nel Noddings. Additionally, since the 2000s, another of the revolutions for innovation in teaching has been the incorporation of the Internet in the educational world and the new ICTs and CATs. With these paradigms in mind, a workshop was conducted with 45 students of 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education at the Fuenlabrada campus of the URJC university. The methodology applied was qualitative and ethnographic, mapping and drawing were carried out with three pedagogical tools: i) the interpretation of their room; ii) the series of drawings based on chromatic perception, iii) the construction of a collective map applying the knowledge previously learned.

Author Biographies

Virginia De Jorge-Huertas, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Virginia De Jorge Huertas (Madrid, 1991) holds a PhD in Architecture (2019) from the University of Alcalá (ETSA - UAH) being Number One of the Promotion and Extraordinary Final Degree Award. She has obtained different scholarships and research grants: Scholarship for access to university studies by academic record, UAH Scholarship for Introduction to Research, Santander CRUE PYMES Scholarship, MECD Collaboration Scholarship and ARQUIA 2015 Scholarship for internship at EMBT - Enric Miralles Benedetta Tagliabue. Aditionally, She was a finalist for the New York Research Fellowship in 2021. In 2015 De Jorge was assistant curator for Vladimir Belogolovsky's curatorial project, -Harry Saidler: Painting towards Architecture- at the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid together with Pablo C. Wegmann.   PhD with international mention valued with Summa Cum Laude unanimously, obtaining by competitive concurrence a FPU contract - Formación de Profesorado Universitario del MECD - Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes; during which he has made two research stays funded by the Ministry; one at the Architectural Association of London in 2017 and another at IUAV - Venezia in 2019.   In 2020 - 2021 she was a postdoctoral researcher at Università Iuav di Venezia with the project "Giancarlo De Carlo: Mettere in Mostra l'architettura". In 2021 she was part of the working team of the research project MuWO - Women in (post)modern Spanish Architectural Culture ( In terms of publications, she is author or co-author of more than 17 articles indexed in JCR and Scopus. She has won several awards such as the First Prize Europan 14 in La Bazana or the 3rd Schindler Award. She has also been speaker in several international conferences (MoMoWo and MORE - Italy, ENHR - Sweden, AMPS - UK, Iberian Docomomo...) and several national ones.    Since 2022 she is Assistant Professor at the Architectural Graphic Expression Area (EGA) of the URJC. She co-coordinates this same area since January 2023.   Portfolio | Personal web page:

Miguel Ángel Ajuriaguerra Escudero, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Miguel Angel Ajuriaguerra es Doctor Arquitecto por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid en donde adquirió la máxima calificación dentro del Programa de Doctorado Internacional y obtuvo el Premio Extraordinario de tesis doctoral.  
Su carrera profesional se ha desarrollado en el sector de la edificación y consultoría. Y, en la actualidad es Profesor Visitante dentro del Grado de Fundamentos de la Arquitectura en el Área de Análisis Geográfico. También es tutor de TFGs en el grado de Arquitectura y de TFMs en el Máster Habilitante de Arquitectura.
Actualmente realiza su labor investigadora en colaboración con entes públicos privados con relación a las siguientes líneas investigadoras:
El patrimonio histórico de la arquitectura y el urbanismo.

  • La protección medioambiental y las Instalaciones Urbanas.
  • El desarrollo socioeconómico a través de la ordenación urbana y territorial.

Estas tres líneas de investigación se relacionan en aplicación a las políticas económicas, sociales y patrimoniales en el desarrollo territorial y urbano. Así como en la promoción y conservación medioambiental junto con el desarrollo e inclusión de los ciudadanos más desfavorecidos. 
A su vez es miembro fundador e investigador principal del grupo de investigación Madrid Borde Sur. También pertenece a los grupos de Investigación competitivos de URJC Santander Presdeia e Icono 14. Y, es socio de la Asociación de Amigos de la Hispanic Society of America.


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