Pre-university workshops: Itineraries, Sketchbooks, Maps with Kids
pre-university education, experimental pedagogy, architecture with children, drawing, field workAbstract
The three epochs of education are originated by several forerunners of changes in education in different periods: From Mary Wollstonecraft to Nel Noddings. Additionally, since the 2000s, another of the revolutions for innovation in teaching has been the incorporation of the Internet in the educational world and the new ICTs and CATs. With these paradigms in mind, a workshop was conducted with 45 students of 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education at the Fuenlabrada campus of the URJC university. The methodology applied was qualitative and ethnographic, mapping and drawing were carried out with three pedagogical tools: i) the interpretation of their room; ii) the series of drawings based on chromatic perception, iii) the construction of a collective map applying the knowledge previously learned.
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