Ria de Pontevedra landscape regeneration: Service-Learning to rewild Lourizán





seashore, regeneration, rewilding, landscape, community


This article summarizes the main results from a service-learning experience in which three modules from two degrees (architecture and landscape) combined efforts to support local activist organizations in their struggle to reclaim a former marshland that was spoiled to build a pulp mill (Celulosas-Ence) in the 1960s. Regarding the service part, we worked in close collaboration with the Association for the Defense of the Ria (APDR) and Pontevedra council, which have been demanding the removal of the industrial complex for decades. Regarding the learning part, the students had the opportunity to apply and develop their technical skills (environmental analysis, GIS…) not least playing an active role in a participation, co-creation process with the local community. According to the welcoming reception of the final public presentation and the students’ satisfaction survey, the activity was deemed as highly positive in both ends


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