Elastic and active teaching for a critical approach to the territory and the city of the 21st century
active methodologies, people at the center, adaptability, critical thinking, elastic teachingAbstract
When students in Architecture School reach the fifth year, they are already tired; they think that in urban planning subjects they are always told about similar questions that they do not fully understand or control; and above all thery are thinking about finishing their degree and getting to work, usually outside the urban planning field. In this context, this academic year 22-23, the subject of Territory and City of the 21st Century has taken on a double challenge; establish academic content that guides reflection on the needs of the territory and the city of the 21st century and motivate students in terms of urban planning, seeking to rescue a little of the lost hope. The result has been a subject where teaching has been implemented seeking to be elastic; a successful teaching experience that we want to show at JIDA 2023.
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