Service-Learning: Start designing from social engagement


  • Serafina Amoroso Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Raquel Martínez-Gutiérrez Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Laura Pérez Tembleque Universidad Rey Juan Carlos



Architectural design, learning-service, competencies, horizontal dynamics, social commitment


The complexity of the reality around us requires new methodological approaches and new pedagogical frameworks to train professionals and individuals capable of adapting to changes. In this paper, the potential of Service-Learning is explored within the framework of a school of architecture, using, as an example, the experience carried out in two exercises of a course of Architectural Design: “(agri)CULTURA” and “Habitat (extra)ordinario”. The teaching-learning process within the framework of this S-L benefits from action in a community in which it is intended to propose changes and improvements responding to the needs of its members. The responses to the self-assessment surveys of students, which show generally positive results, allow us to elaborate a series of hypotheses that can induce significant changes in education in Architecture. To conclude, a number of proposals for improvements to future experiences with similar characteristics are presented.


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