Transversal learning in concrete




concrete, prototype, 1:1 scale, experimental, transversal


The transversal experimental concrete workshop offers students in advanced architecture courses the opportunity to carry out a complete project from start to finish through the design and construction of a concrete prototype at a 1:1 scale. Concrete, understood as an integrating material of architecture, is the center of the workshop. Its different characteristics and manipulation possibilities allow students to experiment with alternatives in each exercise, as well as finding project reasons according to their interests. Concrete is the fundamental element since it becomes a vehicle for learning, experimentation, and design.

Author Biographies

José Antonio Ramos Abengózar, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Architect at Superior School of Architecture Madrid (ETSAM) in 1982. PhD Architect from the same school in 2002. Professor of Architectural Projects at ETSAM. Coordinator of the Ramos teaching unit. Director of the ETSAM Cátedra Blanca. Researcher responsible for the UPM “Habitat Culture” research group. Guest lecturer at Spanish and international universities. Lead researcher of a joint research project between UPM and UNCUYO. Author of several books. His designs and constructed work have been published in both national and international books and journals and selected in several architectural biennials. He has exhibited nationally and internationally and has won numerous awards for his built work.

Álvaro Moreno Hernández, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Architect at Superior School of Architecture Madrid (ETSAM, 1997) and PhD Architect from the UPM-ETSAM (2016) defending his thesis “Levedad, una propuesta de arquitectura”, receiving the distinction cum laude. Since 2012 he is Associate Professor of the Project Department of ETSAM. Researcher of the research group "Habitat Culture" since 2008. Coordinator of the ETSAM Cátedra Blanca since 2002. He is a speaker at international congresses and a columnist and evaluator in specialized publications. He carries out the professional activity from the studio ESPINOSA+MORENO ARQUITECTOS. His work has been published and exhibited in different institutions on a national and international level. 

Ana Isabel Santolaria Castellanos, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Architect (2013), Master in Theory and Practice of the Architectural Project (2014), PhD architect (2019) by Barcelona School of Architecture (UPC Barcelona Tech) with the thesis Casa, relato, colección. La construcción del espacio a través de los objetos. Research group HABITAR. Scholarship FI-DGR (2015) for the development of the R+D+I project: ‘Atlas of architectural use', MINECO (2014-2017). Assistant professor in ETSAB in the courses “Rehabitar, la casa y la calle” and “Escenarios Urbanos”. Researcher and assistant professor in Cátedra Blanca Madrid in ETSAM in the workshops “Materia y Espacio” and “Hormigón Concreto”. Postdoctoral researcher Margarita Salas (2022) in ETSAM.  Coordinator of the architecture journal En Homigón (Cátedra Blanca Madrid).

David Sanz Arauz, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Geologist, Master in Architectural Restoration and PhD by the UPM (2009). Lecturer at the ETS. Architecture, where he teaches Construction Materials and Characterisation and Analysis of Historical Materials. Research Group of Analysis and Intervention in Architectural Heritage. Author of several research works on historical stone materials, as well as several technical reports on the characterisation and deterioration of stones and mortars in architecture, with publications of impact in the sector. Particularly noteworthy is his doctoral thesis on historic exterior plaster on façades. Visiting Professor at Trinity College Dublin, at the Università degli Studi di Palermo, at the Instituto per la Consevazione e la Valorizzazione dei Beni Culutrali of the CNR in Florence among others. Deputy Director of the Master's Degree in Construction (MUCTA), secretary of the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme in Architectural Construction Tecnology.


Barrios Padura, Ángela y Rosa Ana Jiménez Expósito, Antonio José Serrano-Jiménez. 2019. «Aprendiendo construcción mediante retos: despertando conciencias, construyendo intuiciones». En VII Jornadas sobre Innovación Docente en Arquitectura (JIDA'19), coordinado por D. García Escudero y B. Bardí Milà. Barcelona: UPC IDP; GILDA, 2019.

Bru, Stéphanie y Alexandre Theriot. 2018. “Framing the disorder”. 2G, 76: 154 -155.

Burry, Jane y Mark Burry. 2016. Prototyping for Architects. London: Thames & Hudson Ltd.

En Hormigón. 2022. Nº 1, 2. Madrid: Cátedra Blanca Madrid. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid.

Estepa Rubio, Antonio y Santiago Elía García. 2022. «Taller integrado. Gemelos digitales y fabricación a escala natural». En X Jornadas sobre Innovación Docente en Arquitectura (JIDA’22), coordinado por D. García Escudero y B. Bardí Milà. Barcelona: UPC IDP; GILDA, 2022.

Muñoz González, Carmen y Jonathan Ruiz Jaramillo, María Isabel Alba Dorada, María Dolores Joyanes Díaz. 2019. «Metodología: “Aprende haciendo”, aplicado al área de Construcciones Arquitectónicas». En VII Jornadas sobre Innovación Docente en Arquitectura (JIDA'19), coordinado por D. García Escudero y B. Bardí Milà. Barcelona: UPC IDP; GILDA, 2019.

Ramos Abengózar, José Antonio y Álvaro Moreno Hernández. 2019. «El sueño de la materia: el sueño del hormigón». Ponencia en II Jornadas de Innovación Docente “El reto de la enseñanza transversal en las Escuelas de Arquitectura”, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla, 18 junio 2019.

Soriano Peláez, Federico y Silvia Colmenares Vilata, Eva Gil Lopesino, Eduardo Castillo Vinuesa. 2019. «Versiones Beta. El prototipado como herramienta de aprendizaje». En VII Jornadas sobre Innovación Docente en Arquitectura (JIDA'19), coordinado por D. García Escudero y B. Bardí Milà. Barcelona: UPC IDP; GILDA, 2019.




