Inhabiting the field, cultivating the house: service-learning in agricultural heritage
agricultural heritage, service-learning, responsible architecture, transversality, landscapeAbstract
The need to integrate responsible architectural proposals, which have practical application in the training processes of architecture students, is established as an essential way of working in the classroom through the active methodology of service-learning (ApS). This methodology dilutes the dichotomy between the professional and the academic. Both teachers and students get involved, from the academy, with a professional reality that must be respectful with the resources and active in its relationship with the agents involved. The work in ApS that is presented has a vertical and transversal dimension which allows us to draw common conclusions of reflection on theory and practice in the teaching of architecture and its application in the practice of the profession. The exchange of knowledge with the neighborhood based on civic, ethical and social values enables the university community to become an important agent of change.
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