Design in Time: collaborative and game-based learning about the history of design
design/history, game based learning, collaborative learningAbstract
After several years of teaching the subject Aesthetics and History of Design, it is perceived that students particularly enjoy the practical activities and seminars, but it is a great effort for them to consolidate and relate the theoretical contents. Therefore, during the academic years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023, an activity has been introduced in the subject that uses Game-Based Learning (GBL) to design a card game among all, named "Design in Time", which links different face-to-face activities and serves as a learning tool, while increasing the motivation and participation of students. The game will be implemented in successive courses with new editions that complement the contents to study, as well as with a digital version. In addition to the impact that the ABJ may have on the subject itself, it is considered that the experience could be extrapolated to other subjects in the area of Architectural Composition or related subjects.
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