Simulating a judicial process: when analog prevails


  • Iñigo Lizundia Uranga UPV/EHU
  • Leire Azcona UPV/EHU



claim, legal process, expert report, legal expert, forensic architect


The participation of an architect in a judicial process is hardly treated in architecture schools. In many cases, these processes culminate with an oral hearing in which judges, lawyers, attorneys, experts, plaintiffs and defendants, witnesses and other agents represent, like in a play, their different roles. The exercise presented in this paper, first proposed three years ago and which has been evolving both in its wording and in its materialization, aims to rehearse all those analogical skills that an architect must show before such an imposing stage and totally distant from the digital world as a courtroom. Based on a hypothetical lawsuit for property damage, two preparatory sessions are planned prior to the third and final session: the oral hearing. This is the activity most highly valued by students in the anonymous surveys conducted at the end of the course.

Author Biography

Iñigo Lizundia Uranga, UPV/EHU

Dr. Arquitecto y profesor del Área de Construcciones Arquitectónicas del Dpto. de Arquitectura de UPV/EHU


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