Digitally analog: simulating (digitally) what it represents (analog)




architecture, digital, analogic, image, representation


This communication addresses the possibility of using digital representation techniques such as an operational simulation that achieves the equivalent substitution of the images recording the analog representation of a project through physical models during the Architecture degree. Through an adaptation of the procedures considered in the academic program of Representation in 3 dimensions –a semester course during the second semester of the second year of the Architecture degree and which follows Representation in 2 dimensions– the results focus on the production of digital images that simulate analog models. A method subsequently used by many students in the architectural design studios, during both the process and in the presentation —in the stages of analysis, ideation and architectural expression— and which has also been used in the professional development of architectural projects.

Author Biography

Alberto Álvarez Agea, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Arquitecto y Doctor en Proyectos Arquitectónicos Avanzados por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Profesor Responsable de Taller de Proyecto y Construcción y de Representación Arquitectónica en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Facultad de Ingeniería, Arquitectura y Diseño de la Universidad San Sebastián, sede Concepción, Chile (2017-2023). Académico del Departamento de Arquitectura de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Geografía de la Universidad de Concepción, Chile (2021-2023). Profesor Ayudante Doctor en el Área de Expresión Arquitectónica de la Escuela de Ingeniería de Fuenlabrada, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, desde 2023.


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