Development of a materials library within the university library: analogue and digital link
materials library, digital link, university libraryAbstract
Traditionally, students entering architecture studies came mainly from families that were involved in construction. Their practical knowledge of building materials was sufficient to complement the theoretical teaching they received at university on this subject. However, the situation has changed and the family background of students no longer guarantees this prior knowledge. Society, and the university, has fully entered the era of digitalisation. This has had an impact not only on the profile and skills of students, but also on the way they consult the building materials that are prescribed in their academic projects: they have left university libraries behind, in favour of browsers and websites. Thus, this joint initiative arose to create a collection of sample materials within a university library that links the analogue experience of materials with the digital knowledge on these samples that is available in libraries. The digital knowledge associated with each sample is selected in a cooperative way by the architectural students, under the supervision of the academic staff and with the help of an intern.
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