Desarrollar una materioteca en la biblioteca universitaria: con lo analógico y lo digital



Palabras clave:

biblioteca de materiales, enlace digital, biblioteca universitaria


Tradicionalmente, los estudiantes de arquitectura provenían de familias relacionadas con la construcción, lo que les permitía complementar los conocimientos teóricos con su experiencia práctica. Sin embargo, la digitalización ha cambiado esta dinámica, afectando el perfil y las competencias de los estudiantes, así como la forma en que consultan los materiales de construcción, ahora a través de internet en lugar de bibliotecas. Así surge la iniciativa conjunta de crear una colección de muestras de materiales de edificación dentro de nuestra biblioteca universitaria donde se vincule la experiencia analógica de cada material con el conocimiento digital disponible. Este conocimiento digital es seleccionado y editado por los propios estudiantes bajo la supervisión del profesorado y becarios.

Biografía del autor/a

Joan Lluis Zamora Mestre, Tecnologia de l'Arquitectura (ETSAV) - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Architect by the School of Architecture of Barcelona (Polytechnic University of Catalonia, UPC) (1986). Doctor in Architecture from the UPC (1994). "Excellent, Cum Laude." Professor of Interior Construction Techniques, Acoustics and Auscultation Techniques of the Department of Architectural Constructions I of the UPC. Researcher at the Institute of Construction Technology of Catalonia (ITEC) since its foundation (1981). He has been Academic Deputy Director and Secretary of the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Vallés (UPC). He has been director of the Department of Architectural Constructions I of the UPC and Coordinator of the Doctorate Program "Technology of Architecture, Building and Urbanism". He has published several articles in the professional magazines "CSTB magazine", "CAU", "Quaderns d'Arquitectura i Urbanisme", "Tectonics", "AB", "Projeckt Revue", "INDE", "AFL", etc. He has published several books and book chapters for ITEC, the College of Architects of Catalonia and the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia. He has advised various private companies and local administrations on issues of urban planning and technological innovation. He has been a member of the Consell Social of the UPC, of ​​the Consell de Govern of the UPC, Director of Edicions UPC SL, Vice-president of the Consell de Departaments of the UPC, member of the Technological Platform of the Spanish Construction and Coordinator of the Doctorate Program" Technology in Architecture, Building and Urbanism." Has developed several industrial patents. He is director of the LiTA research group (Laboratori d'innovació i Tecnologia a l'Arquitectura). He has been a visiting professor at the Polytechnic of Torino and at the TÜM in Munich.


Raquel Valentina Mena Arroyo, Graduada en Arquitectura per l'ETSAV

Raquel V. Mena Arroyo has a degree in architecture from the ETSAV UPC and has been an intern hired to promote the BIBLIOMAT project, the ETSAV material library.

Raül Serra Fabregà, Membre del Programa de Doctorat tecnologia de l'Arquitectura

Raül Serra i Fabregà holds a PhD from the UPC in Architectural Technology. He has a degree in construction engineering from the UPC. He has been part of the LiTA UPC research group and taught several courses at the UPC. He has worked in several architectural and engineering studios. He currently works as an advisor in the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya, an aspect he shares with the direction of doctoral theses.


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