Virtual and Analogue Project for the rehabilitation of Siedlungen 1950-70 in Mainz, Germany
architecture, digital and analogic prototype, virtual reality, digital design toolsAbstract
The article summarizes and evaluates the results of the teaching program developed during three semesters with architecture students in the integration of design tools, both digital and analogue, in an experimental social housing rehabilitation project applied to case studies in Mainz, Germany. The academical objective is to integrate virtual and analogue tools in the parallel development of the architectural project and energy rehabilitation, developed at the last subject of the Bachelor's degree, and in its subsequent extension in the Master's degree. The methodology supports the contribution in each project phase (analysis, development, calculation and exhibition or transfer) of digital and analogue training, together with specialised teaching input. In conclusion, it is shown how the students adjust digital and virtual tools at each stage to the project, its abstraction level and communication capacity, and are trained in how to integrate the technological and analogue possibilities in a real case study.
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