Physical-digital registration of the territory: inmesirve architectural initiation experience




analog-digital, virtual reality, phygital, real scale, trial-error


Some questions that teachers have when planning a field trip: What happens if a student cannot go to that architectural experience? What happens if the planned time was not enough to record, measure, observe what the teachers request from the territory? And finally, hoy to verify that the information recorded in the territory is reliable to bring it to the classroom? A little explored space is observed regarding field trips, new ways of acquiring and verifying information in a more vivid way that allows an approach to the experience of measuring and recording the territory in a more holistic and immersive way. The incorporation of experiences of extended realities offering a complete vision, in terms of registration, route and measurement. Bringing the student´'s distance closer to the territory as many times as necessary to find the requested information, also to verify what has been done on the ground.

Author Biographies

Valentina Galleguillos Negroni, Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile

Arquitecta de la Universidad del Desarrollo. | Docente Arquitectura Taller I. Magíster en Diseño y Construcción Sustentable de la Universidad del Desarrollo. Magíster en Diseño e Innovación Sostenible, Facultad de Diseño Universidad del Desarrollo. Diplomado en Técnicas de Accesibilidad Universal, Universidad del Desarrollo. Certificación en Metodología The Compass Index Design to Improve Life Foundation Dinamarca.

Piero Mazzarini Watts, Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile

Architect from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Doctor in Architecture, Lighting and Environment
Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Coordinator of the Architectural Design and Innovation Line and
Teacher of Workshop I and Disciplinary Deepening of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the Faculty of Architecture
and Art of the Universidad del Desarrollo Chile

Alberto Novoa López-Hermida, Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile

Arquitecto Universidad del Desarrollo, Magister en Arquitectura mención Diseño y Construcción Sustentable. Profesor Honorario Facultad de Arquitectura y Arte Universidad del Desarrollo. BIM Manager | Graphisoft


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