Design architecture: between manipulated post-production and assemblaged everyday




everyday-objects, puzzles, models, learning by doing, post-production


For several semesters in the two initial levels of Architectural Projects in the Bachelor's Degree in Architecture, different topics, heterogeneous locations and scales of intervention have been proposed. Among this forest of accidental contingencies, it is possible to trace several Ariadne's threads as pedagogical bases. Learning by doing; projecting from the experimental, from creativity, from intuition, from what is close at hand. Last spring semester, an operation of instinctive appropriation was introduced through the decontextualisation of forty planimetries of paradigmatic architectures by Alvar Aalto. An intuitive montage of different sequences linked to the flowering of digital butterflies. Projecting architecture, between assembled everyday life and manipulated post-production.

Author Biographies

Ricardo Montoro Coso, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid UPM

Ricardo Montoro Coso holds a PhD in Architecture from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid UPM since 2022 with Cum Laude. He is an associate professor in the Department of Architectural Projects at ETSAM since 2017. Founding partner of mOve architecture laboratory as a laboratory for innovation, research, development and production of architectural proposals. Their work has been awarded and published in various formats. 

Franca Alexandra Sonntag, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid UPM

Franca Alexandra Sonntag holds a PhD in Architecture from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid UPM since 2020 with Cum Laude. Her doctoral thesis was awarded with the COAM Doctoral Thesis Award in the 2021 edition. She is a doctoral candidate Margarita Salas UPM at the School of Architecture and Planning of the Massachussetts Institute of Technology MIT as well as at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (funded by the Ministry of Universities / European Union-NextGenerationEU). Founding partner of mOve architecture laboratory as a laboratory for innovation, research, development and production of architectural proposals. Their work has been awarded and published in various formats.


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