Teaching architectural theory from self-regulation: AI in reflexive thinking


  • Gilda San Andrés Lascano Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil




cultural identity, cultural heritage, self-reflection, new teaching methods, application of artificial intelligence


The importance of self-recognition in a world where technology surrounds our daily life, the knowledge that the individual essence of the person exists is born from self-reflection. As part of the teaching of theoretical subjects in the architecture career of the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil, a new teaching method was established in the relationship of identity recognition based on the study of the past, of one's own history to being able to understand and appreciate its context and thus establish a new project method for the future through the use of artificial intelligence. The result was an understanding of one's own being that was reflected in the products of their workload.

Author Biography

Gilda San Andrés Lascano, Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil

Arquitecta por la Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil. Magíster en Arquitectura por la Universidad Católica de Santiago de Chile, especialización en Teoría y Crítica de la Arquitectura. Coordinadora del área de historia y docente titular auxiliar (UCSG). Directora del Laboratorio de Crítica Arquitectónica y Urbana de la UCSG. 


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