From the individual to the collective, and vice versa: architecture for coexistence


  • Gabriel Gatica-Gómez Universidad San Sebastián
  • Ignacio Sáez-Araneda Universidad San Sebastián



collective work, coexistence, city, blended learning environment, reverse development


Coexistence involves the agreement between two or more participants to have something in common. A dialogue where individual and collective interests of changing intensities overlap, but which foster encounters and opportunities. However, the environment we inhabit and the way we relate to each other show the opposite. The built environment is fragmented and individualistic. Thus, the communication shows the development of two design studios. One in an urban context and the other in a natural one. And, through individual and collective work, the aim is to show how in both workshops under the same methodology, but applied in reverse, the personalist sense of the project can be changed by the understanding of a common whole. In both cases, each project ends up coexisting with that of the rest of the student group.

Author Biographies

Gabriel Gatica-Gómez, Universidad San Sebastián

Arquitecto Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Master of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin. Actualmente docente en Escuela de Arquitectura Universidad San Sebastián, Concepción, Chile.

Ignacio Sáez-Araneda, Universidad San Sebastián

Arquitecto Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile. Magister en Arte y Patrimonio. Codirector en Dostercios Editorial y editor de contenidos de Artes Visuales y Arquitectura.


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