KLIK: activation actions as learning methodology
citizen activation, co-creation, urban agenda, inclusive urbanismAbstract
Teaching experience developed in an optional subject of the Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture, where we have collaborated with the Kutxa Foundation, following a service-learning model is presented. The objective is twofold: to tigger a change of attitude towards the 2030 Agenda through various KLICK's or specific activation actions; and to train students in the generation of future urban scenarios that take into account the diversity and real needs and in the management of the Urban Agenda instrument. Classroom work based on collaborative teaching methods is complemented by the process of co-creation and implementation of the KLIK, enabling students to have direct contact with associations and citizens. In addition, traditional techniques of participation and tactical urbanism have been combined with virtual reality techniques and analysis through big data. The results obtained show an enrichment in the acquisition of competences in the students.
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