Pedagogical acts in the backstage: between craftsmen and programmers




happening, mind maps, model, experimental, theater, performance


Designing with and in an early 20th century theater. A pedagogical methodology in accordance with the nature of the support to be intervened. The structure of the course program consisted of three acts; with variations in each of them in terms of complexity, strategies and duration. A sequence of events as a teaching strategy to develop an architectural project. An invitation to the students to the performance where they rediscover their own interests through different strategies. A playful construction of diverse creative actions, cumulative and polyhedral instinctive performances as opposed to predictable pedagogies based on the unidirectional transmission of contents. A natural analog-digital symbiosis behind the scenes.

Author Biographies

Franca Alexandra Sonntag, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid UPM

Franca Alexandra Sonntag holds a PhD in Architecture from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid UPM since 2020 with Cum Laude. Her doctoral thesis was awarded with the COAM Doctoral Thesis Award in the 2021 edition. She is a doctoral candidate Margarita Salas UPM at the School of Architecture and Planning of the Massachussetts Institute of Technology MIT as well as at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (funded by the Ministry of Universities / European Union-NextGenerationEU). Founding partner of mOve architecture laboratory as a laboratory for innovation, research, development and production of architectural proposals. Their work has been awarded and published in various formats.

Ricardo Montoro Coso, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid UPM

Ricardo Montoro Coso holds a PhD in Architecture from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid UPM since 2022 with Cum Laude. He is an associate professor in the Department of Architectural Projects at ETSAM since 2017.  Founding partner of mOve architecture laboratory as a laboratory for innovation, research, development and production of architectural proposals. Their work has been awarded and published in various formats.


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