Application of AI in theoretical frameworks: challenges of the Architectural Thesis Plan
Artificial Intelligence (AI), architecture research, teaching-learning, argumentationAbstract
The elaboration of theoretical frameworks for thesis projects constitutes an important basis in the academic world. The need arises to unify criteria in the literature review process, and to establish a guide for its formulation. The pedagogical experience proposed is based on the methodology of Creswell (2018) and is applied in the thesis plans of 24 students of the subject Research Workshop 1 of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU). The applied methodology allows students to elaborate a database taking bibliographic bases as a source and subsequently improve them with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the ResearchRabbit program for the elaboration and improvement of their bibliographic map. The results show a change in the number of documents consulted, in the strength of the argumentation and in the conceptualization.
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