The puzzle: a learning methodology of the theory for large groups


  • Pau de Solà-Morales



Learning some theoretical subjects requires, on the side of the student, a large amount of text and literature readings, and a continuous interaction between students and teacher. This is the case of the "Theory of architecture" course, where the goals (learning outcomes) is “to read and understand theory texts”, and “to be able to write critical texts”. However, this dynamic is very difficult to implement in the classroom, if not impossible, in courses with large enrollment. The methodology of the puzzle offers a solution to the problem of teaching and learning this theoretical subject in large groups (over 60 participants). This technique has been implemented during the 2013-14 academic year at the School of Architecture at the URV. Although they must be evaluated with care, the results are a high satisfaction of the participants, and a strong confidence that the quality of learning was good.


