Obituary of the house. Housing as experience


  • José del Carmen Palacios Aguilar



Obituary aims to recognize disuse and has ceased to exist in the house (intrinsic or not) and then describe all these dormant qualities and refound the idea again. The structure (theoretical and practical) of the Project of Architectural Design VII (fourth year of five) focuses on the development of a social collective housing project.The idea of the method is to rediscover this house we already have and there after redesign it. They are taught that teaching practice (experience ) of the architect is always made from the already built, measuring, drawing, designing; understand the housing from the same experience of how to live, making us partakers of the process as we reform the already built , which already inhabited. This educational didactic approach proposes lead to they themselves produce their own design tools, encourage them to manage -through the same practice of dwelling -which fits with the place.


