The professional practice of the architect and his training in today's society


  • Marta Masdéu Bernat



This paper is part of the doctoral thesis ‘The Teaching of Architecture in the Information Age: A New Pedagogical Model of the Design Studio for New Professionals’. The aim of the thesis is to identify and to analyze the changes that are currently taking place in the traditional model of the Design Studio as a result of the integration of new forms of professional practice and the implementation of various pedagogical approaches (Distance Learning, Blended Learning and Problem-Based Learning) in the training of architects. This paper focuses on some of the driving factors that are currently present in the professional practice and their impact on the teaching of architecture. Especially it analyzes the evolution of the traditional model of the Design Studio to new types of learning spaces that are more interdisciplinary, interdependent and interconnected. Finally, some hypotheses about its future are also formulated.


