Immersion in architecture Project. Ideation, deabte and construction


  • Rodrigo Carbajal-Ballell
  • Silvana Rodrigues-De-Oliveira



This teaching methodological proposal aims to involve the first year students in the real complexity of architectural design, taking the three-dimensional model as a vehicle for learning. Expanding the scale of the model into a living space, the project reaches its target creating a place that can be explored and recognized in all its complexity. Ideation, debate and construction are essential operations in the proyectual creation process. Reflecting, exchanging ideas and defending them, finding new relationships and references, learning the material, its qualities and construction systems, are all recurring actions that occur simultaneously for the project development. Teaching this process as scheduled and directed procedure has been the main goal of this educational project implemented for five years, that is: systematizing the process from the initial stage of analysis and conception to the construction of two temporary/ephemeral exhibition pavilions, at the Higher Technical School of Architecture, Universidad de Sevilla in April 2015.


